इंफ्लुएंजा वायरस की गिरफ्त में आ रहे हैं बच्चे

भागलपुर ;इनदिनों बच्चे इंफ्लुएंजा वायरस की गिरफ्त में आ रहे हैं |अस्पताल और क्लीनिको में बीमार बच्चे की संख्या लगातार बढ़ रही है |बच्चे को 104 डिग्री c तक बुखार हो रहा है |सर्दी खांसी के अलावा सांस लेने में भी परेशानी हो रही है |गंभीर बच्चो को अस्पताल में भारती भी की जा रही … Read more

बाजार में बिकवाली: 182 अंक लुढ़का सेंसेक्स, झुनझुनवाला के हिस्सेदारी बढ़ाते ही बढ़ा इस कंपनी का शेयर

आज सप्ताह के आखिरी कारोबारी दिन यानी शुक्रवार को शेयर बाजार लाल निशान पर बंद हुआ। दिनभर के उतार-चढ़ाव के बाद बॉम्बे स्टॉक एक्सचेंज का प्रमुख इंडेक्स सेंसेक्स 182.75 अंक (0.35 फीसदी) नीचे 52,386.19 के स्तर पर बंद हुआ। वहीं नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज का निफ्टी 38.10 अंक यानी 0.24 फीसदी की गिरावट के साथ 15,689.80 … Read more

Selena Gomez en Español: Watch 9 Times She’s Connected to Her Latin Roots

The follow-up to pop superstar Selena Gomez’s 2015 Revival album is “finally done,” she recently revealed. While a release date hasn’t been announced yet, another question that’s surrounding the hotly anticipated record is the direction in which Gomez will take with it. The most recent singles that she’s jumped on have seen her cross over … Read more

How to Photograph Rivers and Streams

There are many reasons for shooting rivers and streams in landscape photography and there’s a lot involved so here’s part one (probably). Being in the landscape regularly will inevitably lead you along rivers or creeks. A lot of joy can be found being immersed in a shot from within a river. The bubbling rushing sounds, … Read more

Research Shows That the Clothes You Wear Actually Change the Way You Perform

If you’ve ever watched the rehearsal process of a play, then you know just how powerful clothes are. Even in the very early stages of a project, professional actors will come to practice in certain clothing pieces that make them feel more like their character. Perhaps it’s an old pair of shoes, a long and … Read more

Comic-Con Unveils New Teaser For ‘The Walking Dead’

A new teaser for the new season of The Walking Dead has been unveiled at the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con. We’re expecting a longer trailer later today, but this was unveiled in Southern California yesterday at the world’s biggest comic convention. The Walking Dead stars Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan, Chandler Riggs, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride, … Read more

China could reportedly use its ‘unwritten’ tech rules as an ‘invisible tool’ against US firms

With Sino-American trade tensions escalating, China’s cybersecurity standards could be used as an “invisible tool” for retaliating against Washington’s tariffs, according to one expert. Such standards are government-issued operational guidelines that are technically voluntary, but are oftentimes treated as mandatory by foreign firms’ Chinese business partners. If Asia’s largest economy were to weaponize the listing … Read more

European stocks open slightly higher as Turkey crisis weighs on sentiment

Shares in Europe open slightly higher Wednesday as concerns over the Turkish currency crisis continue to affect investors’ appetite. However, trading flows were also sluggish as a number of European bourses are closed due to a public holiday, including Italy, Greece and Austria. The pan-European Stoxx 600 was up by 0.18 percent with most sectors … Read more

Market wants ‘decisive action’ so Turkey needs to raise rates: Yale economist Stephen Roach

Turkey’s central bank needs to raise interest rates to contain the country’s financial crisis, veteran economist Stephen Roach told CNBC on Monday. Earlier in the day, Turkish lira dropped to a new all-time low of 7.24 against the U.S. dollar. It later pared some of those losses to trade around 6.99. “The markets clearly want much more decisive action,” … Read more